Innovation Innovation Innovation...


These three words basically says it all...We are passionate about outdoor & outdoor related products and activities and we are exhilarated about the prospect of improving a product that solve those irritating and unnecessary problems you experience in your day to day outdoor activities.


The Happy Shopper in association with Forris main goal are to explore current product ranges and find new innovative solutions for improving and solving problems and shortcomings that drive you crazy and brings the dark side out of you...


We challenge you to contact us and also tell us about your personal experiences and problems in the outdoor, travel and camping industry and we will investigate and scrutinize potential solutions and consider producing the altered products and supply it to the general public at a practical price.


As you may of notices our product list only consist of small range of products at this stage...yes we are still a very small company and currently working on handful of new and exciting products that will solve more of those superfluous problems


Please stay tuned


Upcoming prototipes that needs finalization: Just to entice you further we will only give you a hint


-       A new gadget that gives fishing a new exciting twist and guarantees improved success rate for both fresh and saltwater fishing...Those People who have never gone fishing might just now go fishing just for the sake of using this gadget...


-       Has your car been stolen...You get that ghastly feeling when you think back...Also bin there and done that...I feel your pain...We are investigating a new product that will discourage thieves from even thinking about stealing your car...This apparatus will just make it too damn difficult and give thieves much deserves headaches...


-       Stuck in the mud? After obtaining one of these new product your 4x4 experience will never be the same and the closest you will ever get to being covered in mood again will be in a your pampered air conditioned spa body exfoliation treatment


-       Do you live in a small apartment but love to host bbq parties but don’t have abundance of storage space...your problems are almost over...hang tight...all I can say you see you don’t...


More details will follow as soon as the prototipes have been finalized....



We invite you to learn more about our products and services. We are happy to help you obtain a improved lifestyle you want. Feel free to contact us if you have a question about our products or need for personalized service.